The Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) instituted Bronze, Silver, and Gold medals in 1999. The medals seek to recognize Indian researchers who have contributed significantly at various levels in Chemistry. The first batch of people was given these awards in 2000 during the National Symposium of Chemistry (NSC). The nomination process consists of the Secretary General, CRSI seeking nominations from former Presidents, Council members (past & present), previous medalists and Heads of the Institutions (Directors and Vice-Chancellors). The call for the nomination goes out on the 1st February. The last date of receiving nominations is 31st March of the same year. The nominee must be a Life member of the CRSI. A committee consisting of the former Presidents of CRSI meet sometime in May-June to select names of medalists in all the categories. The President can invite anyone as a member of the committee to help make a decision of the medalists. The committee can add any new name from outside the list of nominees if it deems fit (Search mode). The number of medals given each year is not fixed. All the names recommended by the committee are presented to the Council and the General Body of the CRSI in the month of July for approval.
Bronze Medal
Silver Medal
Gold Medal
CRSI-ACES Early Career Awards
Awardee is an active researcher at an institute in an ACES partner country/region at the early stage of their independent career. Although relevant job titles will vary in different regions, the intended candidate should have a clear path to a long-term position in academia (e.g., a new PI or group leader). Typically awarded within 10 years post-PhD, but this timeframe can be extended for researchers whose careers were delayed or interrupted because of personal circumstances or external factors (e.g., parental leave, laboratory closures, etc.) Awardee has made outstanding contributions to the development of chemistry in an ACES partner country/region. Awardees reflect the diversity of the scientific community, taking into account factors such as research topic, home institute, and gender. Awardee is in academic good standing. Community engagement (e.g., mentorship, society involvement, and outreach activities). Publications in ACES journals.